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Why a Digital Data Architecture is Beeded to Build a Sustainable Digital Business

Why a Digital Data Architecture is Beeded to Build a Sustainable Digital Business

A well-structured digital data architecture allows a digital business to be sustainable

Data architecture has been identified by company directors as one of the main challenges for the digitalization of business, since organizations that use data effectively have shown a significant advantage over those that do not.

Data First, Technology Second?

To use data effectively, it is necessary to have a correct data architecture, and from it build the technological platform that processes this data, however, many companies make the mistake of doing exactly the opposite. In other words, there are organizations that rush to invest in technology without a clear data analysis and processing strategy; generally, aiming to resolve specific cases, generating an unsustainable situation in the medium and long term. And, on the other hand, there are very successful organizations that focus on their own business perspectives and, based on them, invest in the necessary technology for data search and analysis.

Consequences of Implementing Technology on the Wrong Data Architecture

When a strategy of investing in technology is used without first having focused on building a correct data architecture; They tend to have more problems than successes. Organizations that decide to act in this way find themselves, in most cases, with problems of redundancy and inconsistency in the stored data; because they do not handle a single data source. The technology that is deployed from this messy data infrastructure must go the extra mile; to validate the fidelity of the processed data, and the scalability and growth of the technological platform is progressively difficult. It’s commonly applied on some reputable online casinos like GambleUSA. Check it out here.

All this results in delays in obtaining the necessary data to respond to customer requests; as well as in obtaining information used for making business decisions. With all the economic cost that this can represent.

Two-Speed Data Architecture

Currently, organizations face various challenges related to the high volumes of data they handle, as well as having to employ different business and marketing strategies required by the competition in the business sector, which requires the use of a new way of manage the data.

This means that the traditional enterprise data warehouse, which provides stability and reliability at a slower pace, and can be defined as “industrial speed”; it must be integrated with the high-speed or “digital speed” architecture. Which allows the organization to adapt to new products to meet the requirements of its customers in real time. The ability to integrate data in this way is possible through the two-rate data architecture.

The two-speed architecture enables transparent management of data streams and provides a single source of data; to avoid redundancies and inconsistencies. Additionally, it allows the integration of cutting-edge solutions with traditional components, allowing requests to be met in real time and the use of new database technologies. Based on this principle, organizations must evaluate their business requirements, present and future, and under this premise, structure the data architecture that is most convenient and offers greater productivity to the business, before making investment decisions in certain technologies.

It is a process where the business makes the decisions and the technology is the one who must adapt. Especially in everything related to data architecture that works at “digital speed”.