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Tech Devices you can Use to Make Money on the Internet

Tech Devices you can Use to Make Money on the Internet

Believe it or not, the devices you own aren’t solely for spending money. They can help you earn a bit of cash or even give you a side hustle as well. The next time you’re strapped for cash, try these recommendations.

Mobile Phone

Your smartphone is more than a device for calling, shopping and listening to music- it can help you earn money on the internet.

There’s a dozen or so things you can do, including selling the things you don’t need, using it as a navigational tool for Uber and even going on apps that help you save money. With it, you can register on Fiverr, microtask websites or to record yourself on Twitch or capture videos to upload on YouTube.

Laptop or Computer

In a traditional sense, computers are used for work, such as emails, crafting a presentation or a spreadsheet, among others. It can be a communication tool and a place where people collaborate with each other through software and similar technology.

A laptop or a computer is definitely a must-have if you’re working a side hustle. You can teach someone over the internet, write an article or essay paper or a bit of Photoshop or code as per instructions. You can play gclub games and earn, or invest in cryptocurrency and monitor trends in the market.

Crypto Mining Hardware

Crypto mining hardware is a specialized type of technology that does one thing- mine the cryptocurrency you want so you can keep or sell the digital asset on crypto exchanges.

There are a hundred or so cryptocurrency today, with dozens being added on a daily basis. The most popular one is Bitcoin, quickly followed by Ethereum, Binance Coin and XRP, among others. You can also do the same with a hefty, high-end computer but you tend to get less yield than a specialized one.